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Feed The Beast Wiki
Block XNOR Gate
Name XNOR Gate
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 761:261
Source Mod RedPower 2

General Information[]

The XNOR Gate is one of numerous blocks added by RedPower 2 that allows for gates, latches and cells to be simplified into one-block mechanisms. The XNOR Gate mirrors the vanilla version of the same name. The Gate has two inputs and one output, which is turned on only if both input states are the same. This does not mean that there has to be Redstone current being applied to both input faces, only that they have to have the same amount of Redstone current being applied. This means that when any of the input states are changed, the output state will change to reflect this.

The inversion of this block is the XOR Gate. The task of an XOR Gate could be accomplished by inverting the XNOR Gate's signal, and vice versa with the XOR Gate.


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