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Feed The Beast Wiki
State Cell
State Cell
Name State Cell
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 761:2
Source Mod RedPower 2

General Information[]

The State Cell is one of numerous blocks added by RedPower 2 to allow individual blocks to fill the same role as complex and large Redstone cells, latches and gates. The State Cell has two input faces and two output faces. Once the State Cell has been activated by the primary input face, the primary output face will output a Redstone signal for as long as the primary input receives a Redstone signal, then continue outputting after this signal ceases for a time specified by the player in the State Cell's internal GUI. This GUI can be accessed by right clicking the State Cell. After the primary output ceases outputting a Redstone signal, the secondary output outputs a Redstone pulse.

The secondary input face is usually ignored by the State Cell and cannot directly power the State Cell's primary output. However, if the primary input face is powered, then the secondary input face is powered, then the primary input face loses power, the secondary input face can continue to power the primary input face. However, it can only take this role in these circumstances, if it "picks up where the primary input left off," so to speak.


Crafting GUI

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State Cell
