Solar Turbine | |
Solar Turbine | |
Name | Solar Turbine |
Type | Machine |
Max Energy | 56 Charge/tick |
Stackable | Yes (64) |
Source Mod | Factorization |
Note: this block is deprecated and cannot be crafted as of Factorization v0.7.15 (changelog); it has been replaced by two blocks working together: the Solar Boiler and Steam Turbine . Old Solar Turbines will continue to work but new ones cannot be crafted. The Motor can be salvaged from Solar Turbines by placing them in a crafting grid.
Solar Turbines are currently the only (old) way to produce Charge for Factorization. They must be placed over an infinite water source, with Reflective Mirrors placed around them. The turbine will suck water up into itself, and during daytime the mirrors will cause it to evaporate, spinning the fan and generating power.
Solar Turbines get their "heat" to do this from line of sight with Reflective Mirrors, and the mirrors cannot see the sun at night or when it's raining, so the Solar Turbine will not generate power at night or when it is raining.
Mirrors must have unobstructed view of the sky except for see-through materials like glass or one-way glass. The Solar Turbine however gets its activation through line of sight with the mirrors and can be covered.
1 unit of Charge per tick is produced for each active mirror with line of sight to the Solar Turbine if the sun is out. The most mirrors you can get in line of sight without being out of range or blocking each other is a circle of 56 (see below,) so 56 charge per tick is the most you can get out of a Solar Turbine. An Energy Bridge and associated consumers and producers can convert Factorization Charge to other forms of energy.
Example Setup[]
Mirror Placement[]
Mirrors must be placed in a circular shape around the solar turbine within a certain distance. The distance limit is not measured in blocks, but in actual distance, with the result that mirrors can go as far as 8 blocks in radius around the solar turbine. See the illustrations.
Extra mirrors will cause it to go faster and generate more Charge. The mirrors must have line of sight and will be blocked by all blocks, including blocks otherwise considered transparent like glass, or other mirrors.