Feed The Beast Wiki
Solar Panel
Solar Panel (RedPower 2)
Name Solar Panel
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 765
Source Mod RedPower 2

A RedPower 2 Solar Panel is a device used for producing Blutricity.

A single panel produces 2 amperes and  60 volts (~120W) but when in packs its voltage can increase up to a maximum of 100 volts (packs of 120-128) which increases the output of each panel to a maximum of 200W.

To produce Blutricity it needs to be daytime and the panels need to see the sky, although it still works if the sky is blocked by some transparent blocks (glass, chests, etc.).

Once you have placed the panels, connect them to a Battery Box or Blutricity Machine with Blue Alloy Wire - Jacketed Bluewire will not connect to the side of a panel.

The panels and any Blutricity block can transfer energy between each other, so you will not need to connect all panels or Blutricity blocks to the Blue Alloy Wire, so long as all panels or Blutricity blocks are adjacent to one another. Solar Panels have a resistance of 0.02 ohms, the same as Blue Alloy Wire or Jacketed Bluewire.

For less energy loss you should minimize the length of Blue Alloy Wire or Jacketed Bluewire you use.  You can either keep batteries/machine near by, or you could use Voltage Transformers and 10kV Wire.


     This video shows you how to use the solar panel to power a sorting machine


How To Use The Sorting Machine (Red Power 2 ) Feed The Beast Tutorial - Ep. 8 (DuhWynning)-2

Video made by DuhWynning


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Solar Panel (RedPower 2)
