Feed The Beast Wiki
Feed The Beast Wiki
Silicon Chip
Item Silicon Chip
Name Silicon Chip
Type Item
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 5271:7
Source Mod RedPower 2
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This article is about the Silicon Chip added by RedPower 2. You may be looking for the Silicon Cell added by GregTech or other RedPower items such as the Silicon Wafer or Silicon Boule.

The Silicon Chip is a component part added in RedPower 2 that is used in crafting some logic devices such as the State Cell and the Synchronizer. It can also be crafted into a Tainted Silicon Chip for use in crafting the Randomizer. Other than as a component part for these three items, it has no uses in the mod or in other mods.


Crafting GUI

Stone Wafer

Red-Doped Wafer

Stone Wafer

Stone Wafer

Silicon Chip



Crafting GUI

Silicon Chip

Glowstone Dust

Tainted Silicon Chip

Crafting GUI

Stone Wire

Silicon Chip

Stone Wire

Stone Cathode

Stone Anode

Stone Wire

Stone Wire

Silicon Chip

Stone Wire


Crafting GUI

Stone Wafer

Stone Wire

Stone Wafer

Stone Anode

Silicon Chip

Stone Wire

Stone Cathode

Stone Pointer

Stone Wafer

State Cell
