Feed The Beast Wiki
Feed The Beast Wiki
This article is about the Sequencer in RP2. You may be looking for Sequencer (Extra Bees).

Sequencer (RedPower 2)
Name Sequencer
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 761:1
Source Mod RedPower 2

The Sequencer is one of many blocks added by RedPower 2 that is designed to fit complex wiring into a single block. The Sequencer's Pointer rotates between its four different faces, each of which function as an output face, at a user-specified speed (modified by viewing the block's GUI by right-clicking) and sending a Redstone pulse to each of the faces as it passes. The Sequencer could be used as a clock that does not require Redstone as it is synchronized to the world time. By setting the Sequencer's time between sides to 300 seconds (5 minutes, 1/4 of a "24-hour period" in Minecraft) it can be used as a pseudo-clock device sans minute or second hands.

The downside of the Sequencer's synchronization to world time is that, as with some other RedPower logic blocks such as the Timer, any change in the world time (e.g. sleeping, the /time command, etc.) will reset the Sequencer to its 0-second position.


Crafting GUI

Stone Wafer

Stone Cathode

Stone Wafer

Stone Cathode

Stone Pointer

Stone Cathode

Stone Wafer

Stone Cathode

Stone Wafer

Sequencer (RedPower 2)
