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Feed The Beast Wiki
QuantumSuit Helmet
Type Armor
Stackable No
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2

The QuantumSuit Helmet is endgame IC2  related armor. It is extremely powerful, but also extremely expensive, having two Iridium Plates as components.

The QuantumSuit Helmet removes status effects ( ONLY poison and wither) and allows unlimited breath underwater so long as the EU is availiable.

The QuantumSuit Helmet has 5 additional effects:

Additional effects EU cost
Replenishes underwater breath bar 1 000
Replenish food bar per point *using canned food from inventory 10 000
Cure poison effect per level 10 000
Cure radiation effect per level 20 000
Cure wither effect per level 25 000

Like the NanoSuit Helmet, it includes Night Vision - use [IC2 ALT Key]+[IC2 Mode Switch] to en/disable.



The QuantumSuit Helmet, like all other pieces of QuantumSuit, stores up to 10 million EU, and can only be recharged in an MFSU or a higher level GregTech energy storage block such as an LESU.

Other armor pieces[]
