Power Tool | |
Name | Power Tool |
Type | Tool |
Stackable | No |
Data Value | 25030 |
Source Mod | Modular Powersuits |
The Power Tool is the only part of the Power Armor set that isn't actually armor. The Power Tool serves as a weapon / tool replacement piece that uses the same energy resources as everything else on the Power Armor.
Besides reducing the number of items you need on your main bar, the Power Tool can be equipped with a few of the neater modules that are available, such as a teleporter, a built in crafting table, and a mod that reduces the penalty for using tools underwater.
There are a few modifications that can be added to the power tool. Each of which can be selected through holding shift and using the scroll wheel to select which you want to use. The mods include:
- Plasma Cannon
- This mod is used to fire upon mobs or players. A fully charged shot will do 20 hearts of damage, enough to 1 hit most mobs. To Fire, Hold right click and let go when you've charged the amount you want.
- Multimeter
- In-Place Assembler
- A Crafting Bench on the go, it's as simple as that. Right click to open the crafting bench.
- Railgun
- A projectile weapon that fires instantly upon use, but knocks the player back a signifigant distance. This recoil, however, can be used to "jump" in mid-air indefinitely by aiming at the ground and repeatedly firing the weapon.
- Blink Drive
- A tool that can teleport you places similar to the mechanic of the ender pearl. Simply right click and it will teleport you to your desired location.
You can use the power tool in a Deployer to kill mobs. This is the most efficient xp and minium shards farm in the whole game. Just put the power tool with the upgrades Battery and Rail Gun into a Deployer with a Timer next to it. To keep the power tool loaded, put a Universal Charger, an Energy Bridge and an IC2 Consumer in a row next to it. Then you can use a Soul Shard spawner to have an infinite source of XP and minium shards.
Tool Mods
- Multimeter
- Shovel
- Pickaxe
- Axe
- Shears
- Rototiller
- Lux Capacitor
- Prototype OmniWrench
- Leaf Blower
- Flint and Steel
- Tree Tap
- Grafter
- MFFS Field Teleporter
Special Mods
- Diamond Drill Upgrade
- Aqua Affinity Upgrade
- Field Tinker Module
- In-Place Assembler
- Torch Placer
Weapon Mods
- Melee Assist
- Plasma Cannon
- Rail Gun
- Blade Launcher
- Lightning Summoner
Energy Mods
- Basic Battery
- Advanced Battery
- Elite Battery
- EU Reader
Cosmetic Mods
- Custom Colour Module