Feed The Beast Wiki
Feed The Beast Wiki
Magma Cream
Grid Magma Cream
Type Items
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 378
Modpacks Included All
Source Mod Vanilla

Magma Cream is dropped by Magma Cubes and can also be crafted using Blaze Powder and a Slimeball.  It can be used in potions of fire resistance, enabling you to swim in lava and be unaffected by fire for a set amount of time—up to 8 minutes per potion depending on the ingredients.


crafted with Blaze Powder and a Slimeball.

Crafting GUI


Blaze Powder

Magma Cream


Used in crafting Blast Furnace Brick

Crafting GUI

Soul Sand

Nether Brick

Soul Sand

Nether Brick

Magma Cream

Nether Brick

Soul Sand

Nether Brick

Soul Sand

Blast Furnace Brick


Crafting GUI

Infernal Brick

Infernal Brick

Magma Cream

Infernal Brick

Infernal Brick

Blast Furnace Brick

