The Feed The Beast Beta Pack A was the first pack to be introduced to Feed The Beast. It is running on Minecraft 1.4.2 and the newest version is v12.
As the pack was intended to be a test, it is no longer being updated. Therefore, a majority of the mods are outdated, older versions. Many newer features and items are not available in this modpack. The FTB Beta Pack A will soon be phased out. [1]
The first version of the FTB Beta Pack A was released on November 10, 2012Buildcraft 3
- morph mod
- Chickenbones Core
- ComputerCraft
- ExtrabiomesXL
- Factorization
- Forestry
- IndustrialCraft 2
- Iron Chests
- Mystcraft
- Obsidian Pressure Plates
- Portal Gun
- Railcraft
- Rei's Minimap
- Steve's Carts 2
- Twilight Forest