Craftpacket Stamper | |
Name | Craftpacket Stamper |
Type | Block |
Stackable | Yes (64) |
Data Value | 1000:3 |
Source Mod | Factorization |
The Craftpacket Stamper is used to turn craftpackets into their intended output. It is usually used either for the creation of Diamond Shards or in conjunction with other craftpacket recipes generated on the Craftpacket Maker.
Place craftpackets in the left slot of stamper and wait a second to craft the packet. If you place an invalid or incomplete craftpacket in, the contents will be dumped to the other slot. You can also put in items that craft in a single inventory slot to retrieve the output. For example, inputting a bone creates 3 bonemeal, and inputting stone creates a button. If a recipe has multiple results, such as for making cake, the remaining ingredients will be placed into the output slot a second after prior ingredients are removed (e.g. remove the cake, and a second later the 3 buckets will appear).
The Craftpacket Stamper does not require any power to function. It is compatible with Buildcraft Pipes.