Feed The Beast Wiki
Corrupted Essence
Grid Corrupted Essence
Name Corrupted Essence
Source Mod Soul Shards

Corrupted Essence is an ingredient and fuel in the Soul Shards mod. It is created in a crafting grid from one Vile Dust and one Glowstone Dust.

Vile Dust is obtained by smelting Soul Sand, which is found in the Nether. Glowstone Dust is obtained by breaking Glowstone formations found in the Nether or in a Mystcraft Age written with the Glowstone feature.

Corrupted Essence is used in the creation of Soul Forges and as the fuel for all the recipes you can perform with a Soul Forge. See the Soul Forge page for detailed recipes.

Crafting GUI

Vile Dust

Glowstone Dust

Corrupted Essence



Sould Shard tutorial! FTB
