Feed The Beast Wiki
Chiseled Sandstone
Chiseled Sandstone
Chiseled Sandstone
Name Chiseled Sandstone
Type Solid Block
Transparency None
Luminance None
Blast Resistance 4
Storage 0
Tool Hand
Stackable Yes 64
Source Mod Vanilla

Chiseled Sandstone is a decorative sandstone block featuring various carvings upon it, most notably, a Creeper face. These blocks are naturally generated in the overworld at desert pyramids and desert villages. It can be crafted by placing one sandstone slab on top of another, and thus does not need a crafting table. Like all sandstone, Chiseled Sandstone is unaffected by gravity. It can be used to craft Sandstone stairs, Sandstone slabs, and Smooth Sandstone. It's also a cheap source of Essentia Praecantatio.


Crafting GUI

Sandstone Slab

Sandstone Slab

Chiseled Sandstone


Crafting GUI

Chiseled Sandstone

Chiseled Sandstone

Chiseled Sandstone

Sandstone Slab


Crafting GUI

Chiseled Sandstone

Chiseled Sandstone

Chiseled Sandstone

Chiseled Sandstone

Chiseled Sandstone

Chiseled Sandstone

Sandstone Stairs


Crafting GUI

Chiseled Sandstone

Chiseled Sandstone

Chiseled Sandstone

Chiseled Sandstone

Smooth Sandstone
