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Canned Food
Grid Canned Food
Name Canned Food
Type Food
Stackable Yes (64)
Source Mod IndustrialCraft2

Canned Food is a food item made using the Canning Machine.

Although eating canned food only restores your hunger meter one at a time like melon slices, it also restores health when eating, which can be particularly useful when caught in a sticky situation where both health and hunger are running low. Cans are also eaten significantly faster than normal food items, helping to offset the smaller filling of the hunger bar.

Canning will no longer remove the negative effects of foods such as rotten flesh, raw chicken, and spider eyes. The (Filled) Tin Can will have the subtext: This looks bad...

Food List[]

Different types of food will fill a different number of cans. This is shown in the following table:

Effects Type Of Food Cans Filled
- Cooked Chicken 3
- Cooked Fish 3
- Cooked Potato 3
health? Golden Carrot* 3
- Bread 3
- Mushroom Stew 4
- Cake 6
- Raw Pork/Beef 2
- Carrot 2
- Apple 2
Hunger Rotten Flesh* 2
Health Golden Apple* 2


Notch's Golden Apple* 2
Hunger Raw Chicken* 3
- Fish 3
- Melon Slice 1
- Cookie 1
- Potato 1


Spider Eye*


The items marked with an asterisk will produce Canned Food which retains the same effect as eating the ingredient raw would inflict.

Spider eyes can kill in vanilla MC if your health is below 20 points.
