Feed The Beast Wiki
Block Backplane
Name Backplane
Type Block
Stackable Yes (64)
Data Value 754
Source Mod RedPower 2

The Backplane is a computer component used in RedPower 2 computers. Currently, its sole purpose is to be used as an extension to the computer that allows for one or more 8K RAM Modules to be added to increase the computer's processing capabilities. Only 7 Backplanes can be added per Central Processing Unit, and the line of Backplanes must extend from the back side of the Central Processing Unit; other sides are not considered valid places for placing a Backplane. If one Backplane in a line is destroyed, all the Backplanes behind it will also be destroyed, as will any RAM modules placed upon them.

Up to 57,344 bytes of additional RAM can be added to a Central Processing Unit (default RAM of 1,142 bytes) to increase processing capabilities.


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There is currently a bug in the latest Version of Redpower2 with Backplanes: If you break them,they will drop 2 Backplanes(only if you directly dig them out else if there is a RAM Module on it and it breaks due to disconnection, the RAM Module will duplicate.)
